To read or not to be …

With this article, I would like to address the all-embracing, deadly trend: lack of reading. Especially online. Reading and writing are becoming strange habits and a sign of total incompatibility with the modern times. Nowadays, young people are even turning away from Facebook where, sometimes, you just can’t get by without reading (or, heaven forbid, writing) a phrase or two. They are mostly attracted to platforms where the only thing that matters is an image or a short video of no more than 10 or 20 seconds – otherwise, they’re considered too long and boring. Regardless of how interesting they actually are… So, why did I make an exception this time around? In the days before New Year, we are constantly bombarded with events, messages, festivities and God knows what else, which means that we hardly ever have an opportunity to take a minute or two and read something in peace. This is why I’m offering you to “read” Katja’s video that she took during our trip to Albania at the beginning of November in order to present my work. Obviously, I’m going along with the “If you can’t beat them, join them” principle.

Open your eyes and let your mind wander … 


Arne Hodalič
Arne Hodalič

Slogan mojega življenja je »You can sleep when you’re dead« in tega se držim vsak dan bolj! S podjetjem Our Space sodelujem že vrsto let in skupaj smo pripravili celo vrsto uspešnih dogodkov, predavanj ter team buildingov. Najlepše pa je takrat, ko me Jure (direktor Our Spacea) z družino obišče na morju in skupaj na žaru obrnemo kakšno ribo. Takrat je življenje še lepše.

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