Into the New Year

December 2002, Chile. We have been waiting the whole month for good weather conditions. Our patience is running off in the base camp, especially because New Year is getting close. The day before Silvester, our friends give up on clear weather and make their way back to the valley, where there is a huge New Year’s Eve celebration in Puerto Natales. Meanwhile, Tina and I stay alone on the last forest-grown island, beneath the mighty mountain face Torres del Paine. As if somebody saw our strong resolution to keep going and heard our wishes and hopes to continue, the air pressure started to rise in the evening and the wind calmed down. So the both of us started our long Silvester day at 2am. In beautiful weather conditions we climbed the new, hard to conquer North tower and descended again to our camp after a good 19 hours of climbing, totally whipped and exhausted. The tension of the climb usually lets go after you sit inside the safe shelter of your tent. And as we were cooking along, we then saw that is was 12am. We hugged, kissed and slept like logs till the next day. On the 1st January, every body part was hurting, except our heads. The head was still filled with strong emotions of indescribable happiness and satisfaction. What an unusual Silvester night that was and what a contrast to the usual partying every year. But believe me, when I remember this event, my whole body is flooded with such warmth, even the coziest fireplace can’t achieve. To every reader out there, I wish a happy New Year’s transition, maybe even an unusual one for those who wish, so that the joy you feel may continue throughout the whole New Year to come. Tomaž Jakofčič

Silvesterska zabava v steni Torres del Paine
Torres del Paine

Praznično vzdušje v južnoameriških gorah. Srečno novo leto!
Festive days in mountains.

Mogočni stolpi Torres del Paine v čilski Patagoniji.
Torres del Paine.
Tomaž Jakofčič
Tomaž Jakofčič

Rodil sem se leta 1970 v Nemčiji staršem gasterbajterjem. Tam sem preživel tudi prvih pet let, potem smo se vrnili v Ljubljano, kjer z družino živim še danes. Starši niso bili hribolazci, zato mi ni jasno od kod se je našla tako močna želja po »osvajanju nekoristnega sveta«. Do konca srednje šole še ni bilo zelo hudo, ker svoje obsesije nisem mogel udejanjati. Stalna zasanjanost je nekoliko kratila šolski uspeh, a je vseeno šlo. Spacal sem tudi faks, če izvzamem, da sem diplomiral že skoraj sivolas. Po nekaj letih poučevanja na osnovni šoli sem le zbral pogum in pregriznil popkovino redne službe in postal »full time« alpinist in gorski vodnik.

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