Lake Baško and Zelenci

Last year we presented you the Harley Owners Group meeting or the meeting of the “hogs” in Portorož that we wrote about in our Beehive, so this year we made our way across the Karawanks. The biker meeting of all sorts, mostly Harley Davidson bikers, at Lake Faak was this year’s 20th meeting in a row and it will surely go on next year, although some rumors say that in 5 years the meeting will move to a different location. Rumors and superstitions, as it goes… But surely the inhabitants around the Faak Lake showed us the cold shoulder and turned their backs on the great opportunity they had right in front of them. Turns out that, at the same time, they had a royal visit of some kind of a spoiled shake, who offered them some heavy cash and ongoing heavenly parties and delights along with it. And he fooled them really well, from the first to the last one. Luckily for us, the attending bikers of the meeting were in such a large mass that there was not enough space in the Carinthian region to offer each and every one accommodations for the night, so many of the bikes stayed on the other side of the Karawanks and a few in other parts of Slovenia, all across. So, let the pictures, montages, triptychs and polyptych speak for themselves.


20 years
We come in peace…
Eating and rocking. 
When I grow up, and when my children grow up, when I’ll retire. 
Forward, backward.
Polyptych V8, Boss Hoss. 
Real Indians and fake cowboys.
Exhibition after exhibition.
A small truck.
Tricycle for the elderly.
Eat spare ribs; they are delicious and healthy alike. 
Triptych R&R.
You can’t escape some kind of US-kitsch.
The stars, some different, some alike, crosses of all sorts, bibles and catalogs. Neo-village merchants at their neo-booths. 
And then a few kilometers away, peace, tranquility, rest, a different kind of idyll. Zelenci.


Aleš Leko Gulič
Aleš Leko Gulič

Rojen pravo leto in preživel vse, kar se je dogajalo v Trbovljah in po drugod zadnjih šestdeset in še nekaj let, sicer tudi na študiju in delu v Ljubljani, Ampak kot dnevni migrant. Zdaj v pokoju.  Never surrender! Sodelavec pri kakšnem filmu in take reči. Bajkerske, recimo. Pa Dedek Mraz, kadar pride čas zanj. Rdeći križ. Delavski dom Trbovlje, Rock Radio vsako nedeljo ob osmih in Osapov Čebelnjak z novimi zadevami ob petkih.

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