
A sailboat is full of life lessons. One soon learns that while it is impossible to change the environment, one can react to it by adjusting the sails or changing the heading. One learns to accept whatever comes over the horizon and adapt to it whilst being thrilled by the sheer unpredictability of it all. But first and foremost, we soon learn that a happy journey is not the product of a fast boat, a gorgeous destination or a perfect wind. The only essential ingredient is a good crew. So we wish you all a year in very good company, with crewmates who love and respect you and stand your watch when you are tired.
Jasna Tuta
Jasna Tuta

Rodila sem se v Sesljanu pri Trstu. Pri morju. Ko sem bila še v otroškem vozičku, sem se z mamo sprehajala po Sesljanskem zalivu in z velikimi očmi požirala valove, ki jih je burja metala ob skale. Ko me je razganjala puberteta, sem našla zatočišče v tamkajšnjem jadralnem klubu. Tečaj jadranja na deski je bil idealen izgovor za druženje s postavnimi mladeniči. Kasneje se je oglasil materinski čut, takrat sem prevzela tečaje jadranja za otroke, pozimi pa sem zahajala v osnovno šolo. Po desetih letih vnetega pedagoškega dela je materinski čut popolnoma zamrl, oglasila pa se je želja po potovanju…

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