Coffee with employees – Andrej Baus

here is nothing better in this world than sitting with an acquaintance, a close friend outside of the loud hustle and bustle of the city and just chat about anything that comes to mind. This time I was with Andrej Baus.

Andrej Baus is a systems engineer in OSAP, his preoccupation are Fujitsu products, NetApp technology, Microsoft technology, a broad array of everything really, even Andrej is like that himself. Big, well-rounded, a sportsman, happy and with a certain spark in his eyes. He talks fast, kind of trickles in a way when he talks. Like a river. He accumulated his vast knowledge in his 4-year study on a school of telecommunications, later college, learning wherever and whatever he could along his way. With a pleasant smile on his face, he remembers his childhood from the days long gone, he tells me that he even knows the analog world of his grandfather, where he lived as a child. From generation to the next the spirit of his grandfather found his way and lived on. He told him about a lot of things, because he really didn’t like the digital side of things, but times change quite a bit. His smile carries on to the story of his family, his dear wife and children. About education, living together, about OSAP and home. He tells me about family trips, mountains, his love for sports and fishing… Telling about the separation of the working week and his weekends with the family.

The river of words flows away, stumbles upon some pools of thinking and stops a bit at watery rocks of his memories.




Aleš Leko Gulič
Aleš Leko Gulič

Rojen pravo leto in preživel vse, kar se je dogajalo v Trbovljah in po drugod zadnjih šestdeset in še nekaj let, sicer tudi na študiju in delu v Ljubljani, Ampak kot dnevni migrant. Zdaj v pokoju.  Never surrender! Sodelavec pri kakšnem filmu in take reči. Bajkerske, recimo. Pa Dedek Mraz, kadar pride čas zanj. Rdeći križ. Delavski dom Trbovlje, Rock Radio vsako nedeljo ob osmih in Osapov Čebelnjak z novimi zadevami ob petkih.

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