The smell of fresh mountain

And we said 9.9., at 9.09 am we will talk about ONTAP 9 on Kredarica. First there was laughter, then more serious faces, and later a relaxed “well, why actually not”. Our team with the business partners of both sides of the chain – buyers and providers. All to make this chain even stronger than before. We won’t tell this like a travelogue, about weather and the beautiful scenery you can’t find words for anyway. Not even about the flora and fauna. I love to hear stores of individuals, who accompanied me on this journey. I begin to see that the participating members of the march up to Kredarica and all the way to Triglav are not coincidental; they are a part of their own life’s story. I begin to see and admire values that I didn’t seem to detect during our business meetings. And with each step my admiration grew. And when I reach the final chapter, I talk to the next person. A new person, a new life story to tell, the story which lead him/her to this steep slope beneath the mountains. At steeper ends of the march, the words tend to get fewer and in my mind I then began to think about my own life story. Why am I here? Why I am in the midst of this team of hikers, which trusted and agreed to spend one day in their life with me? Do I really deserve this trust? Which person do I really have to thank for this? At this question, I start to think back about my pretty screensaver at home. About the first real telephone call, which invited me and allowed me to step into their embrace. Then – either you are, or you aren’t. And I was. And happy and thankful too, for this life changing call I received. I think further ahead of this, through my friend circle I have, which helped me discover new paths in life, making jumps on other sides of the river and seeing and experiencing things I would have never imagined. Things, that later, turn out to be the best stories you can tell others at cozy campfires in the winter. Upon looking at our team’s joy then they first saw the sunrise on the top of Triglav, a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders. Not a heavy weight really, more like the weight of the whole world. With the effort and help of the whole team we made it. The trust I really did deserve, and I get a new chance. A chance to step into new chapters in our lives together. The end therefore turns into another chapter, a part filled with emotions, my personal favorite. Life runs by fast, so there is no reason for blank chapters in your life story. Onward we go, to write many more new stories.
Matej Moškon
Matej Moškon

Živim pestro življenje v ljubezenskemu četverokotniku z družino, firmo in gorami. Vrhunska oprema in napredna tehnologija me spremlja že desetletja. Odgovore na številna vprašanja, ki se mi porajajo, iščem v naravi in tam najdem svoj notranji mir. Odgovornost do opravljenega dela mi vzbuja občutke koristnosti. Radostno sprejemam vprašanja o nasvetih po konfiguracijah, izvedbi projektov, iskanju vzroka napak… Izkušnje z veseljem delim z vsakim, ki mi je pripravljen prisluhniti.

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  • Nejc
    Viki Grošelj
    17. 2. 2017