Before we close the last chapter of 2016

Before we close the last chapter of 2016 and start to plan for the upcoming year, I would like to ask myself, how much goals, that we set out to conquer, we really managed to achieve. Were these goals too demanding? Were our wishes too modest? Do we have a clear conscious?


People say that data is becoming the new digital currency. The more you have, the better. But I think that the real value lies within the fourth dimension itself, time, which is priceless to us. That is why my wish for 2017 is nothing more than the gift of time. Time for quality family-times, time for a stroll with friends, time for investing it in creativity. But most of all, as a gift to oneself, for a job well done.


Let us therefore gift ourselves with much optimism, so that we can share it with others, and so much strength, that the imperfect world around us will never break us, and also a hint of cheerfulness, which will fill our days with happiness and bright expectations.


Matej Moškon



Matej Moškon
Matej Moškon

Živim pestro življenje v ljubezenskemu četverokotniku z družino, firmo in gorami. Vrhunska oprema in napredna tehnologija me spremlja že desetletja. Odgovore na številna vprašanja, ki se mi porajajo, iščem v naravi in tam najdem svoj notranji mir. Odgovornost do opravljenega dela mi vzbuja občutke koristnosti. Radostno sprejemam vprašanja o nasvetih po konfiguracijah, izvedbi projektov, iskanju vzroka napak… Izkušnje z veseljem delim z vsakim, ki mi je pripravljen prisluhniti.

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  • Kari
    Arne Hodalič
    10. 6. 2016