The Karo people

This is by far the most endangered tribe of all the Omo populations, mainly because of their small numbers and their strong dependency on the river itself. The name Karo translated means “fish eaters” and their survival is therefore only guaranteed with the river being near to where they live. But as it is, this closeness of the tribe is the very point of their endangerment. Several corporations are, frankly, only interested in the narrow land by the river, where they plain on building enormous cotton fields, which need even more enormous water supplies for their growth. Today, the Karo people are almost without any land of their own and the widening of the cotton fields is also still in motion.  
Tribe or ethnical group: Karo people
Location: The left Omo Riverside / Ethiopia
Ocenjeno število pripadnikov: 2000
Language: Karo language
Religion: animism, paganism

Photo: Arne Hodalič and Katja Bidovec
Arne Hodalič
Arne Hodalič

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