The Daasanach people

The home of the Daasanach people lies in the most south part of Omo and the shores of Lake Turkana, where the river flows into the lake. Because of recently build hydro plants and the intensive cotton irrigational systems the lakes shores have dried out and the livers surface already shrunk a few meters. In this lowland, this sadly means that the Daasanach people are now kilometers away from the water they so desperately need to live. Today a sad sight can be seen unfolding right in front of our very own eyes - the Aral Sea is meeting a tragic fate but as it seem, it is not devastating enough and the tragedy will continue. And again, nobody is willing to move a muscle...  
Tribe or ethnical group: Daasanach people
Location: South part of the left Omo Riverside and Lake Turkana /Ethiopia and Kenya
Ocenjeno število pripadnikov: 40.000
Language: Daasanach language
Religion: animism, paganism

Photo: Arne Hodalič and Katja Bidovec
Arne Hodalič
Arne Hodalič

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