Adi Minjong and Hil Miri tribes

It’s the third Friday and we are posting another article of Arnej Hodalič and his bounty hunters from his project of vanishing cultures. The last parts were mainly photography’s and less text, but this time and in the next 2 Fridays to come, you will see photography’s of tribe and community members from this part of the world.   Adi Minjong people
Tribe or ethnical group: Adi Minjong
Location: Arunachal Pradesh /North-West India
Estimated population: about 37.000
Language: Adi language
Religion: Donyi-Polo, Christianity, remains of animism



  Hill Miri (Nishi) people
Tribe or ethnical group: Hill Miri (Nishi)
Location: Arunachal Pradesh /North-West India
Estimated population: about 5.900
Language: Nishi language
Religion: Donyi-Polo, Christianity, remains of animism


  Photos by Arne Hodalič and Katja Bidovec
Arne Hodalič
Arne Hodalič

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