Although I am from those analogue times, where you wrote cards and wrapped packages by hand, and today digital chips are flying all around me, like cosmic particles around Saturn, I still think that the atmosphere which is felt by drinking afternoon coffee in a safe house¹, cannot be written in any existing code. This is a sort of local Cosmo polis, which isn’t all too cold even in December. But if everybody took things into their hands in the next year, so that everybody is in everything and everything in everybody, maybe we could feel this unavoidable gravitation of the omnipresent balance, and the wish for “feeling up” happiness and all those joys, which give and take, and if on top of everything we could take all this together in a bit less serious way, I would be very happy. It could be that it would then be taken in a bit easily than it is now, that what is and is still to come, but not really necessarily to come at all; not to mention how the winter solstice alone is a very weird passing of the worlds, which draws closer, chats a bit and names a child after stars, and then the inner and short holiday internalising feels homely again and with loud cheers, exhalations and with blood donor sessions offers its ongoing use. God know how many times it has left, and that is why I think, that it is especially good to hug the Christmas joy and New Year as well, and carry those with you during each day. And as it goes here where I live², we say S R E Č N O (Good luck), and that is also what I meant. So SREČNO (Good Luck)!



¹ A name for a local place in crypto language for regular visitors.

² In this case I meant my hometown Trbovlje. This greeting is also used in the mining industry slang in this area around Trbovlje, Zasavje as well, and it means much more than just a greeting.

Jani Guna
Jani Guna

Siv in star bik, ki se mi še danes malo zamegli, ko slišim Ticket To Ride, rojen leta, ko se je rodil tudi rock & roll in je Bill Haley s svojimi Kometi zasedel prvo mesto na Billboardovi lestvici najpopularnejših s skladbo, s katero je zmešal ameriško mladež v usodnem filmu Džungla v razredu. Vodnar, kakopak, ki sem imel srečo, da sem ravno prav star zapopadel orakelj z imenom Beatles in ves tisti srečni hipijadni cvetlični ringlšpil, ki je mežikal iz Radia Luksemburg na malem tranzistorju, pa iz prve runde Džuboksa in preko fenomena Kameleoni, da ne omenjam vse pripadajoče parafernalije med Liverpoolom in San Franciscom s postankom v Trbovljah (Amebe, Eden's, Jutro, Črni bliski, Kon-Tiki). Ujel sem še vse vibracije občinskega travnika, štafetnih časov in tudi onih, ki so ubili Lennona, pospremili Titota in potem zamenjali še državo in celo tisočletje.

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