Coffee with employees - Andrej Komatar

We are sitting somewhere at the water, in the green, peaceful and calm. Let’s say- at Kolpa. His career path interests me, without any kindergarten or primary school, but he still starts with primary school and says that then he was a theoretic. I didn’t quite understand, so he explains it to me, that he was interested in reading and movies. Later he became interested in practical things, IT and civil engineering, both, first he was more into civil engineering, where he graduated from secondary school and university. As he finished university, he had to decide where to stay: in civil engineering or IT. And the same old story repeats itself: “A friend invited me, about 10 years ago, to Ourspace and now I am here. After secondary school civil engineering work and IT were my hobbies, after university civil engineering is my hobby and IT my occupation. I wanted to see what can be done in IT, what I could do myself. Both are good, so you have certain versatility, so everything is not the same all the time.” IT, he says, is similar and practical like civil engineering. He says, that when you build a house, re-arrange the bathroom, you also make a program, that works for people. Now he works with big data, sets the architecture and how we will solve the problems of our clients. He sees synergy in everything possible, a connection, and similarities, knowledge of both parts which he connects and transports. Even the work in a team he sees as a similarity to this and he loves his work.   Aside from this, he is a family man. Very strongly. His free-time, days and minutes he gives to his children, gathering and chatting with friends, and construction work at his friend’s house. What remains is for music, modern country, so there is not time for TV, maybe a movie from time to time. Social networks he avoids and doesn’t use. “I look at it from the perspective of the corporations, where they profile us and know everything about us, which probably isn’t that bad to a certain degree, but that degree just doesn’t exist… I rather go out in real life with my friend and drink a beer.”   The bigger part of his free-time he uses to go on trips, excursions, if there is nothing to do at home or at his friends, that is. “I load up my trailer and off we go, camping in some camp that is freer and without many rules, on the seaside, on Pag. We travel in Slovenia, cook a goulash, last year at Kolpa, near Metlika I think, we wanted to go this year also, but we didn’t because of the fence. But it all depends on the weather, this weekend we are finishing out shed. Civil engineering work. Hobby and work, just that I don’t forget how to do it. This year we want to make as many trips to the seaside and elsewhere as possible, of course.”   From Kamnik. Driving is also work, thinking. And the radio station Veseljak for background music, where they don’t talk much. A last word or two about the new things, he follows them and knows his deal. Anchored in the real world and with a clear vision.
Aleš Leko Gulič
Aleš Leko Gulič

Rojen pravo leto in preživel vse, kar se je dogajalo v Trbovljah in po drugod zadnjih šestdeset in še nekaj let, sicer tudi na študiju in delu v Ljubljani, Ampak kot dnevni migrant. Zdaj v pokoju.  Never surrender! Sodelavec pri kakšnem filmu in take reči. Bajkerske, recimo. Pa Dedek Mraz, kadar pride čas zanj. Rdeći križ. Delavski dom Trbovlje, Rock Radio vsako nedeljo ob osmih in Osapov Čebelnjak z novimi zadevami ob petkih.

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