Dotaknile so se nas mnoge zgodbe in te smo želeli podeliti tudi z vami.
Hvala za vaše zaupanje in da nas spremljate.
Naj bo leto 2019 prav takšno, kot ga sami vidite in želite doživeti.
Jaz k temu dodajam še kakšen trenutek več v barvah narave. Z občutkom, z radostjo, s srcem in dušo!
Naj bo barvito, slikovito in predvsem vaše!
Vse dobro!
Petra Draškovič Pelc
dr. Petra Draškovič Pelc
Born in the Slovene Štajerska, she chose to live in Kočevje and the mere thought of adventures in the wild nature of Alaska gets her heart racing like a wild animal. She enjoys silence, peace and the beauty of the light-flooded wilds of all the untouched corners of the world, as well as the beauty of her local Kočevje-area and Slovenia. She is an enthusiastic traveler, a curious admirer of nature, a tourist guide, author of countless articles in Slovenia as well as abroad and a doctor in biomedical science, who found her calling in (natural scientific) photography. Throughout her work with ARS NATURAE she tries to express love towards nature and its preservation.