At the end of 2016

When we ask ourselves, at the end of each year, what that year has brought us, my thoughts go back to the last Nepal journey in Novembers. From April 2015, where I was present during the catastrophic earthquake that took place, I returned to the stricken areas this year again, for the third time. Returned with a wish of helping those people, who suffered so much after the impact of the horrible natural disaster. The financial means I gathered, also with the help of the company Our Space Appliances, I gave directly to the people at hand. Their thankfulness and sincere gratefulness touched me very deeply. Even more, when looking at the sheer fact that the world didn’t forget them, means so much to them, as the help itself. I was filled with a new feeling of calmness when I looked at the mystical Tilicho Lake again. The lake itself lies 5000m above sea level and its turquoise surface, broken by a more than some 10m tall glacier at one end of the lake, which is part of a mountain with the same name. On the other side of the lake there lays pure dessert terrain, standing proud and colorful, shining in 1000 different shades of brown, only to be stopped by the 6000-7000m high Tibetan mountains in the back distance. The trip was even more dignifying than normally, because the new Boudhanath stupa was just re-opened, one of the biggest stupas in Katmandu. When the earthquake hit, it was so damaged that the upper part had to be torn down and build anew. The almighty Buddha’s eyes had to be closed during the whole renovation, covered with a silk curtain, which the wind lifted it up from time to time. As if the magical eye of Buddha winked at the masses of priests, which were preparing for the celebration. Three small adventures, which gave my life a new purpose and brightened up my end of the year even more. To you all, I also wish a lot of beautiful and exciting adventures in the coming year. Viki Grošelj

Mistično jezero Tiličo
The mystical Tilicho Lake.

Med pomočjo za odrasle je bilo tudi nekaj plišastih igrač za otroke
Between all the help for the grown-ups there were also some plush toys for the children.

Pomežik Bude med otvoritveno slovesnostjo
Viki Grošelj
Viki Grošelj

Born 3.6.1952. Sports educator by trade, with 40 years of working in primary schools, but also a top mountain climber, Himalayan, mountain rescuer and mountain guide.
Besides countless expeditions to Slovenian and foreign mountains, I also took part on more than 30 expeditions to non-European mountain passes. In the Himalayas, I conquered 11 ascends to 10 out of the 14. mountain tops, ranging over 8000m.

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