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»Za tiste, ki ne hodijo v gore,  velja voščilo v prispodobi; za tiste, ki hodijo,  pa v prispodobi  in  zares:



veliko sončnih juter…



…veliko pisanih barv… 



…in veliko visokih vrhov!



Viki Grošelj

Viki Grošelj
Viki Grošelj

Born 3.6.1952. Sports educator by trade, with 40 years of working in primary schools, but also a top mountain climber, Himalayan, mountain rescuer and mountain guide.
Besides countless expeditions to Slovenian and foreign mountains, I also took part on more than 30 expeditions to non-European mountain passes. In the Himalayas, I conquered 11 ascends to 10 out of the 14. mountain tops, ranging over 8000m.

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