Gojzarji in srečno 2018

Kupil sem si nove pohodne čevlje, gojzarje. Pohajkoval bom z njimi po hribovju in gričevju in pozdravljal neznane ljudi s prešernim in iskrenim “dober dan”. Na zraku bom vedril, stran od elektronike, asfalta in mestne nervoze in se pod večer vrnil nazaj v urbano džunglo. Želim sebi in vam, da bi bilo v novem letu teh brezskrbnih dni več, kot jih je bilo letos. Koliko? Toliko, da ne pozabimo uživati v hoji in stiku z naravo.


Zdravja, veselja, drobnih radosti vam želim, pa čistega zraka, jurčkov pod smrekami in polnih ust sočnih robidnic še za počez. Juh juh juhej, živeli!



Klemen Košir
Klemen Košir

I am a star-eyed observer; I watch the world unfold before me and I am amazed at everything I see. The human person is always my main focus, even when I chop up carrots or write down my recipes. I like to talk to people that work with their own hands and with the earths soil itself. At home I crouch down before my computer and type down every impression and every note form the last 5 years and I publish this at the very end in a book for everybody to read. Throughout this whole process I always stay a father, sometimes a little grumpy, other times cheerful and high in spirit.

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