Again we are faced with the festive New-Year-Christmassy spirit times... Even the beekeepers, who take care of the Ourspace beehive, asked us busy bees, if we could write something nice for the upcoming festive holidays. I have to say that this task was indeed very, very hard to do… Just what can I wish us spoilt Westerners, if we already have everything we need and much more. If I look back at the last Swiss study, made by the Credit-Suisse Bank, 1% of the western living population has a staggering 50,4 % of the worlds capital, the Swiss wealth from the year 2000 till today even growing 130%! and the number of millionaires of the world increasing 22% in the last 5 years only, whereas the poorer people numbers only decreased 4%. These percentages grow each year more and more, and the differences are getting clearer by the day. In the meantime, we buy ourselves stupid presents at such high prices, that the money could feed whole families in some poorer parts of the world and that for 1 to 2 years as such.
My new year’s wish is therefore to make these kind of people think about themselves, those who verbally and psychically abuse refugees, put up xenophobic signs on our street in Gorenjska and publish “super” intelligent hate speeches on the internet (of course anonymously), all those who don’t really have anything to say and how US live compared to THEM; people like this should broaden their mind, think tolerant and feel compassion for those people, who have been less fortunate and struck by many hardships in their lives; people should understand the value of being born at the right place, at the right time to be lucky like they are. People who were born then and there like US that is…
a man living in a refugee camp in Budzur in the Northern Sahara. He, like 7 million other people, stepped on a landmine, which were placed by the Moroccans along the 2700 km long wall, which was built at the border of the time of their occupation. Why? Well because Morocco eagerly benefits from the lands natural rich phosphate resources and from fishing on the western coast of the Sahara, which they unrightfully took as their own for more than 40 years now. (photo: Arne Hodalič /November 2017)
Arne Hodalič
My life-motto is “You can sleep when you’re dead!” and I stick to it every day in my life! I worked with the Company “Our Space appliances” for many years now, and together we have prepared numerous successful events, lectures and team-building articles for you to enjoy and read. The best part of it all is when Jure (the CEO of Our Space appliances) comes to visit my family and me at the seaside and together we can grill a tasty fish or 2. That’s when life becomes even better…