On Good Friday I decided to take up the challenge for the runners stations of the cross (here known as “Tekaški križev pot”. About 60 km of running with a good 2000 m change of altitude was waiting ahead of me. And as I was running and came all the way to Brezje, I was constantly thinking about things to make the trip seem shorter and I suddenly got the idea to make an album of all the mountains I have been on, who have crosses placed on the top of their peaks.
The symbolism of crosses is fairly rich in history. We see them not only in religions contents, but also in mathematics and chemistry. On the first look a rather the plain shape, but which hides under its appearance a deep meaning and opens up a lot of philosophical questions, but for me it is enough to look at them when I conquered another high top of a mountain. In the ratio of the horizontal and vertical line of the cross we can find metaphors for happiness and fatigue, condition and willpower, satisfaction and pain.
Škrlatica (2740m). The queen amongst the Slovene mountains.
Zielspitze (3008m). What a jump into the Dolomites, but a good picture like this never does any harm in an album.
Storžič (2132m). Long gone is the thin line between work and fun.
Brana (2253 m). The birth and change from night into day, a first-class photography.
Vrtaški vrh (1898 m). If there is no cross, you have to make one yourself :)
Macesnovec (1926 m). Two larch tree branches which hold on to each other and defy against Mother Nature and her winds for many, many years.
Veliki Zvoh (1971m). Just a rock throw away from Ljubljana till a new day emerges.
Trupejevo poldne (1931 m). The Karawanks like to reward their mountain hikers with their decorative crosses.
Kresišče (1839 m). Another masterpiece on one of the main peaks of the Karawanks.
Visoka Ponca (2274 m). The cross looks like a measuring device for throwing things on Mangart.
Grossglockner (3798m). My, to this time, highest cross I have climbed to.
Ostra peč (1802 m). Climbing up on roads non-existent and fighting the way up with some marmots along the way.
Hruški vrh (1776 m). When everything is green and blooming in the valleys, the grassy paths in the Karawanks still remain brown.
Uršlja gora (1699 m). Maybe a peak in Koroška, but the cross makes the mountain look at least 5 meters higher.
Kepa (2143 m). There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.
Borovje (1476 m). A prayer, which many of the hikers recite, weather you believe in it or not. (“Dear God. Bless this beautiful valley and grant its inhabitants health, happiness, peace and love.”)
Križ (2140 m). The last cross, which doesn’t have a real cross on its peak (“Križ” in Slovene meaning “cross”).
Matej Moškon
I live an exciting quadrangle love-life with my family, my company and with the mountains. Top-quality gear and advanced technology follow me on my every step in life for decades. I seek answers on many questions in nature and it is here, where I find my true inner peace. The responsibility for my work fills me with a proud feeling of being useful to somebody. I love to follow and resolve questions on configuration advices, project performances, searching for causes of errors, etc. I gladly share all my experience with everybody that would like to hear them.